If you are unable to save your creation, please try the troubleshooting suggestions below.
1. Check your administrator status
Please verify that you are an administrator on your computer. If you are not, please adjust your permission settings or right-click on the Smilebox program and right-click, then select "
2. Are you working from a home computer or an office/school computer?
We recommend working from a home computer, as many office/school computers can redirect the save location of Smilebox creation files. Please use your home computer. Your work computer may block you from using the Smilebox program.
3. Sign in to your account
Make sure to sign in with your email address before using Smilebox program.
4. Uninstall/reinstall Smilebox and Flash; get the current version
5. Unblock Smilebox through your Firewall and Anti-virus program